Hearing Loss Support in the West Valley of Phoenix, Arizona
As a chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), we support its programs and initiatives.
Listed below are resources and frequently asked questions about hearing loss for you to check out

- Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
- Arizona Center for Disability Law (ACDL)
- Arizona Commission for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing (ACDHH)
- Arizona Technology Access Program (AzTAP)
- Arizona Telecommunications Equipment and Distribution Program (AzTEDP)
- The EAR Foundation
- Diamond Dogz of AZ
- Say What Club
Blog Links:
Shari Eberts - www.livingwithhearingloss.com
Shannon Tyree - www.MyGoldenHears.com

Answer: Schedule an appointment with a local audiologist for an evaluation of your loss, including any medical issues and a hearing test.
Here are some symptoms of hearing loss to watch for (courtesy of AARP):
1. You get irritated at others for mumbling
2. You're having trouble following conversations
3. It's harder to carry on a conversation in a crowded room
4. Everyone is telling you to turn down the TV.
5. You don't get jokes like you used to
Answer: Most members look on the Internet for an audiologist near them. You can also ask your physician or other chapter members for recommendations.
More choices: The Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACDHH) says:
"Call us at 602-542-1124 or email us at [email protected] and we will connect you to resources for affordable hearing aids, low-income hearing aid programs, and hearing healthcare professionals who would be glad to serve you."
You can visit the web site of Doctor of Audiology Cliff Olson - DrCliffAUD.com to see what to look for in a provider and what are "best practices."
HearingTracker.com also offers more details about audiologists and hearing aids at:
Answer: Audiologists are trained to help you understand your hearing loss and find ways to help you live better with your loss. An audiologist can evaluate an individual's entire range of auditory issues. They can make a broad diagnosis of the patient's hearing abilities, and they can determine the cause of the hearing loss as well as finding solutions. An audiology technician, or hearing aid specialist, is not usually trained to evaluate hearing abilities, but focuses on the hearing devices themselves. Accordingly, you need to see an audiologist first.
See more details at: https://www.hearingtracker.com/resources/how-to-find-a-good-audiologist
If you have a mild-to-moderate hearing loss, you can buy some hearing aids directly, or over-the-counter (OTC), from the seller. You will probably not receive any evaluation services or follow-up support through direct purchase. As an aside, OTC rules are still being developed.
To verify the nature and degree of your hearing loss however, you should first see an audiologist to evaluate the nature and degree of your loss and to check for any potential medical causes.
Answer: The chapter can help you find useful information and strategies for living better with hearing loss. The chapter is currently meeting via Zoom but will soon meet both via Zoom and in person.
Answer: From the HLAA web site: "As an HLAA member, you are part of an organization with a mission to provide hearing help information, education, support and advocacy to people with hearing loss. Through our advocacy work at the federal level, we represent 48 million people with hearing loss in the United States – that includes you.” And remember, as an HLAA member, you will not be alone with your hearing loss.